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C&D Group: Promoting High-Quality Development through Learning


Since the in-depth implementation of the theme education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, C&D Group has firmly grasped the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening Party conduct, emphasizing practice, and achieving new accomplishments." With the goal of high-quality development, it focuses on the central tasks, actively integrates into and serves the new development paradigm, and is committed to strengthening, optimizing, and expanding the state-owned capital and state-owned enterprise, contributing to the early realization of socialist modernization in Xiamen.

Forging the soul through learning and embracing ideology, persistently arming the mind with the Party's innovative theories. Clarity in theory ensures firmness in politics. C&D Group has consistently adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and Party building, and focused on establishing a three-dimensional learning system of "leaders taking the lead in learning, comprehensive coverage of individual learning, mutual assistance through collective study and seminars, and assistance from expert lecturers." This system promotes the transformation of the enthusiasm for learning into a strong driving force for overcoming difficulties and striving for success.

Promoting Party conduct through learning and upholding integrity, persistently advancing comprehensive and strict Party governance. Adhering to the Party's leadership and strengthening Party building are the glorious traditions and unique advantages of state-owned enterprises in China. They are the "roots" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises. C&D Group has consistently adhered to problem orientation, resolutely promoted the deepening of comprehensive strict governance of the Party, facilitated the deep integration of Party building with production and operation, comprehensively improved the quality of Party building work, created a favorable atmosphere for tackling challenges, strengthening the main business, promoting development, delivering practical results, and addressing people's concerns, and led high-quality enterprise development through high-quality Party building.

Promoting action through learning, steadfastly strengthening, optimizing, and expanding the enterprise. The essence of learning lies in its practical application. C&D Group effectively combines theoretical learning with solving practical problems. It focuses on both the big picture and the details, constantly enhancing its understanding and application of the Party's innovative theories, and adheres to the corporate mission of "exploring the new value and enabling more people to enjoy a higher quality of life." Through continuous product innovation, service excellence, and value creation, it transforms the achievements of learning into vibrant practices that drive development while fulfilling its responsibility of creating benefits for the people as a state-owned enterprise.

Enhancing competence through learning, comprehensively improving the ability to fulfill duties and responsibilities. Born from reform, and prospering with the special economic zone, C&D Group has achieved greatness in this era. C&D Group remains grateful and committed, always mindful of its mission. It guides cadres and employees to continuously deepen their understanding of the governing principles of the Communist Party, the laws of socialist construction, and the laws of human social development. It focuses on enhancing political acumen, thinking ability, and practical skills, continuously raising the level of fulfilling responsibilities and obligations. In the pursuit of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, C&D Group strives to create achievements that stand the test of history and the people's judgment.