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C&D Group and Headquarters of Bank of China Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement


On August 29, C&D Group and the headquarters of Bank of China signed a strategic cooperation agreement at the head office of BOC.  Liu Jin, director-general of BOC, Wang Zhiheng, vice director-general of BOC, Huang Wenzhou, chairman of C&D Group and Zheng Yongda, general manager of C&D Group, attended the contract-signing ceremony and had a meeting together.

According to the agreement, both parties will deepen cooperation in credit, clearing, deposit, direct financing, supply chain financing, cross-border finance, investment banking and other sectors. BOC will offer a home-currency credit line up to 100 billion Yuan to C&D Group.

Chairman Huang Wenzhou expressed his thanks to the long-term strong supports that BOC had provided to C&D Group.  He said C&D Group and BOC had a long history of business cooperation and close partnership in supply chain, city construction and operation and other sectors. He hoped both parties would further deepen strategic partnership and all-around cooperation in supply chain finance, key project construction, cross-border finance and investment banking and work for a better future together.

Mr. Liu appreciated C&D's perennial trusts on and supports to BOC and congratulated C&D Group on its first entry into the list of the Fortune Global 500. He said both parties had shared weal and woe and progressed together in the past 40 years. He hopes this strategic cooperation agreement will continue to deepen their all-around partnership. BOC wishes to avail its comprehensive globalization advantages and allocate its resources collectively to provide all-around services to C&D Group and support C&D Group's business development at home and abroad.