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C&D Group Enlarged Party Committee Meeting to Study Principles of Party Member Conduct and Clean Government Convened


On the morning of June 23, C&D's Party Committee held an enlarged meeting to study together the principles and task requirements set by Cui Yonghui, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Yan Zhiming, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, in their speeches at the Work Conference on Party Member Conduct and Clean Government in SOEs in the city. The meeting re-emphasized the importance of good conduct of party members, the integrity of the government, and the fight against corruption, and set tasks accordingly. 

According to the meeting, party organizations at all levels in the C&D Group must take the opportunity of studying and practicing the principles set by this meeting to gain a good understanding of the principles embodied in General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on the development of good party member conduct and clean government within SOEs. They must commit themselves to in-depth understanding and stringent practice of the rules set on strengthening the Party's position in SOEs, correcting misconduct, enforcing discipline rules, fighting corruption, managing leadership, and implementing the Party building responsibility system. 

The Group's Party organizations at all levels, party members and leading cadres must adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a guide, further improve their political awareness, accurately position themselves, and base themselves on their given positions. They must be unswerving, voluntary, and loyal in upholding the "Two Establishes" and unswervingly, voluntarily, and resolutely comply with the "Two Upholds". The zero-tolerance policy must be adopted for correcting party member misconduct, enforcing discipline rules, and fighting corruption for relentless and thorough execution of the stringent Party governance policy. The leadership role of the Party must be consolidated comprehensively, and all Party members must align their thoughts and action with the task requirements of the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government. They must also refer to the applicable standards and the timetable in carrying out work in serving their roles of leading, coordinating, discipline compliance supervising and supporting. The role of the institution in regulating power must be emphasized; the supervision, management, and education of cadres and employees must be strengthened; Party leaders and cadres must strive to be role models by voluntarily taking the lead; and the Group must be consistent in correcting Party member misconduct, enforcing discipline rules, and fighting corruption.

The meeting emphasized that comprehensive and stringent governance of the Party must be carried out to the letter at all times. All Party members and cadres must adopt higher requirements and standards in developing a scrupulous corporate culture within the Group so as to provide strong political and discipline support for its quality development and to better implement the Group's new five-year plan. It is also required that concrete work be done as a token of support for the Party's 20th National Congress.